Spotlight: Faz

Spotlight: Faz

Up next on our squid spotlight is our amazing Data & Campaigns Director, Faz, whose job is to make sure our campaigns perform the best they can while supporting his fantastic team in the process.

When you’re ready Faz! 

Hi, I’m Faz, and I’ve been at Pink Squid for a good ten years now. Before then, I was in the finance world and that’s what got me into advertising, just realising that maths has so much to do with advertising. Marketing is data and data is marketing — that's what got me hooked, the science of the art.

To sum up my role as Campaigns Director, my team and I are constantly finding ways to stay relevant by looking for new methods, strategy and audiences whilst being efficient when it comes to campaigns, making sure we dig deep and get the most out of the work we produce, bringing clients rewarding results. This is especially when it comes to ROI and how we utilise data to make our marketing campaigns more effective for our clients.

Throughout my ten years, I’ve noticed changes within this industry, businesses are going beyond HR for input and the opinion on employer branding has shifted beyond the recruitment ideal to much more. The one that stuck out to me the most was the lack of connection between elements, from recruitment marketing campaigns to careers websites – many saw each as separate within the employer branding world. However, in the last couple of years, we’ve seen more clients realising they should all be connected and trying to do so.

But what has this got to do with data? Well, everything! It’s our responsibility to make sure we’re there, helping our clients understand every part of the process, what their audience is thinking and how to (re)connect with them. Yes, we’re looking at all this separately, but we’re then combining all these data points to solve the problems – that’s the ultimate goal, having a seamless journey throughout.

The challenge at hand and what we want to solve is unique for each of our clients. Yes, you could be from the same industry, but it's important to dive deeper and see the different elements involved. At Pink Squid, we look at every client as its own unique attribute. By coming up with custom solutions, our objective is never to pick one aspect of the candidate process – we want to ask you everything! It's our job to join the dots and that’s the unique value we add. We’ll push you, and want you to push us back.

A great example of this is our recent campaign for the London Stock Exchange Group. I was so proud of us as a team, not just in the campaign space, but also as an agency and how we managed to be integrated from Strategy to Creative to Campaign, and the operations behind it. This was a global campaign spanning three continents. Having clients who are brave enough to push through and see the bigger picture comes with plenty of exciting challenges. For our client, to have powered through all of that and have faith in us and our work, we were able to give the results we wanted.

We’ve already started lots of new campaigns and projects for 2024, and I’m really excited to already see the team continue going above and beyond for these clients. All the knowledge we’re accumulating – it doesn’t go to waste.

A little about me

There are quite a few things I enjoy. I’m big on the countryside and nature, I’m always out and about if I can. I would highly recommend the Scottish Highlands for people who haven't visited – being amongst those mountains just gives you that space and environment to reflect.

I actively follow the financial markets and economy quite a lot. I like finding those connections between what you see in daily life, versus what's happening in the financial world. You then see these stock similarities and you realise, it's all connected and affects us all.

Find out how Faz and the team can help elevate your employee experience and achieve more.

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